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Stress - 144 spel
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The blue button game
Here comes a little game that will get on your nerves. Just click on the blue ball to reach the next level. This casual game follows the spirit of the first flash games developped for the net like Escape !
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Kommentarer(9) - Tillagd av jp / Översatt av jp
Snowman salvage
Snowman Salvage is a fast-action Flash game developed by Paul Croft in which you are tasked with maintaining a number of snowmen. Seems easy at fist but the difficulty of each level is increasing with new hazards and ennemies to fight.
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Kommentarer(3) - Tillagd av jp / Översatt av jp
Philipp Seifried has taken a simple idea and created an excellent little game. The beautiful background graphics and music make for a very sweet but surprisingly difficult game. Collect the green bubbles while avoiding the purple ones. After you collect three or more green bubbles on your cursor, touch a blue bubble to pop them and collect your points. The more bubbles collected at one time the higher the score. When collecting bubbles or dropping them off, make certain that no part of either the green or blue bubble is touching a purple one or the game is over.
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Kommentarer(3) - Tillagd av jp / Översatt av jennalynn6
Pelpet ver.0.1 d
You must guide the little yellow Pelpet downwards through the various stages while trying to avoid the blue bad guys. You are always going down, except when there is a ledge that will allow you to move to your left or right. You can click on the ledges to make them appear or disappear, whichever works best for your advantage. The further you go the more difficulties and power ups you will encounter while working your way down to Hell!
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Kommentarer(0) - Tillagd av *IDIOTE* / Översatt av jennalynn6
Nätverksförsvarare är ett intressant spel som reklam för Nortons säkerhetsmjukvaror. Flytta på plattirna så att dom blockerar viruset och skyddar centralen. Den blåa plattan skyddar bara mot blåa virus, ect..
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Kommentarer(0) - Tillagd av jp / Översatt av Chevap
Det här spelet är inte vad det ser ut som. det är egentligen inte ett skjutaspel utan man skall skriva det som står på luftskeppen så snabbt som möjligt.
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Kommentarer(0) - Tillagd av jp / Översatt av Chevap
Finding 4
The goal of the game is to locate, within the time alotted, the same set of four figures on the play field as shown in the target set.
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Kommentarer(1) - Tillagd av jp / Översatt av jp
Mr. Figgles
Just move the mouse to move Mr. Figgles around the play field and collect all the stars for each level. The game is as fun as the gameplay is simple.
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Kommentarer(0) - Tillagd av jp / Översatt av jp
The object of this game is to find the key which will allow you get out of the exit once you find it. Collecting hammers will help you by allowing you to break down walls, clocks will add ten seconds to the timer, the white paper is actually a map which will show you the entire maze (once you've looked at the map and continue on with the game the map disappears, so study it carefully). Each level presents a larger, more difficult maze. There are more than 195 levels to play.
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Kommentarer(0) - Tillagd av jp / Översatt av jennalynn6
Bania Kururin (Rocket Cat-girl )
You play as an cat-girl character with a rocket-pack on her back. The author of the game has kidnapped your little cat-friend and plans to eat him, and your task is to rescue him by collecting stars.
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Kommentarer(0) - Tillagd av jp / Översatt av jp
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