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Sista spelet - 91 spel
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Speed Squid

Speed Squid
Use the 8 finger-resting keys [a s d f j k l ;] to control the movement of your 8 corresponding squid limbs. Grab prey as quickly as possible for maximum points, but, beware the mines.
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Ett spel gjort av gws34
Översatt av gws34

Touch The Bubbles

Touch The Bubbles
It's pretty obvious.
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Ett spel gjort av gamebalance
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Crazy Mammoths

Crazy Mammoths
Crazy Mammoths is simple in appearance but requires quite bit of strategy to stay in the lead through each check point. Staying in the lead is done through strategic jumps controlled by the SPACE BAR. Jump in order to pass over the Mammoth ahead of you, to stop one from overtaking you, or to bump one of them back while they are in the air. Timing is everything. Keep in mind that the resistance...
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Ett spel gjort av jp
Översatt av bastien

Rings and Sticks - Ringar och Pinnar

Rings and Sticks - Ringar och Pinnar
Det är spelet talar för sig självt.
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Ett spel gjort av Komix
Översatt av affe3x

Sweet side scrolling squid swimmer

Sweet side scrolling squid swimmer
Use the left mouse button to swim up. Avoid the rectangles and collect the swarms of krill for extra points!
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Ett spel gjort av gws34
Översatt av gws34


Relatively easy game to create...
Simon based engine.


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Ett spel gjort av E19
Översatt av E19


Capsules is a web 2.0 puzzle game. All of the levels are designed by collaborative work of members. You can play and edit the levels by using the buttons above the main game screen. For quick play, you can play the official levels by clicking on the link marked . In this mode, all levels must be unlocked one after another - hence, if you wish to go further, you must play and complete...
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Ett spel gjort av jp
Översatt av mrsneeze

Suna Sudoku

Suna Sudoku
Suna Sudoku is a sudoku game in a fascinating new way!
It will provide you a new challenge!

The numbers must be placed in a certain sequence
and on certain fields of the gameboard to score points...

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Ett spel gjort av qplaygames
Översatt av qplaygames

Nano Bot

Nano Bot
Guide Nano Bot through a series of malfunctioning computer circuits to make critical repairs and save the lives of everyone aboard your ship. Use the mouse to feed coordinates to Nano Bot and guide him to the swirling exit. Be efficient with your moves, Nano Bot gains a little speed each time. Don't touch any walls. Glowing red areas are shorts in the circuit and will give Nano Bot a massive...
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Ett spel gjort av wakeforestgames
Översatt av wakeforestgames


Det här är ett väldigt simpelt spel.
Använd tangentbordet för att skriva det engelska alfabetet (A-Z) så fort som du kan.
Om du skriver fel bokstav, Blir dina poäng reducerade.

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Ett spel gjort av d0ornab
Översatt av heke

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