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Oversættelse af websiden - Nobuyuki Forces 3

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Nobuyuki Forces 3

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Similar to the excellent [dirid=27]Xiao Xiao game[/dirid], this game is a huge online verion of "Time crisis" kind of aracade game. It's a long and intense game with tons of unlockables and extra features that make it very unique in the world of online games. Your hero takes cover by default, so you have to hold space to step out, take aim and fire with the mouse. When you run out of ammo, resume cover and click to reload. Don't forget to grab some upgrades by clicking on powerups displayed during the little animations between 2 levels.
Similar to the excellent [dirid=27]Xiao Xiao game[/dirid], this game is a huge online version of "Time Crisis" kind of arcade game. It's a long and intense game with tons of unlockables and extra features that make it very unique in the world of online games. Your hero takes cover by default, so you have to hold space to step out, take aim and fire with the mouse. When you run out of ammo, resume cover and click to reload. Don't forget to grab some upgrades by clicking on powerups displayed during the little animations between the levels.


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