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Posljednje igre - 91 Igre
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Gađanje svetaca

Gađanje svetaca
Cilj ove igre je postići najviši rezultat uništavajući neprijatelje: svetce s crvenim križevima. Izbjegavaj pogoditi svoje prijatelje. Zaradit ćeš bonus bodove i život kada oni slete: svetci sa zelenim krugovima. Rotiraj cvijet s lijevom i desnom strijelicom. Stisni razmak za pucanje. Stisni "p" kako bi pauzirao igru.

  [Podnestite ispravakCroatian]

Igru kreiranu kao superjoep
Preveo Anonimna007

Save the earth

Save the earth
Spasi zemlju od padajuceg asteroida ( zapravo, neces spasiti zemlju, ali ces umrijeti kao heroj).
Skupljaj bonuse i nagrade da nadogradis svoje rakete i svemirski brod u automatski sistem za ciljanje, najjace oruzje protiv stijena.

LJEVO, DESNO i GORE za kretanje, DOLJE za rucno ciljanje, SPACE za pucanje.

  [Podnestite ispravakCroatian]

Igru kreiranu kao jp
Preveo marsupilami

Escape from the Flooded Room

Escape from the Flooded Room
I wake up in a place I don't remember. I've been locked in here. But the worst thing is the cold water. I know one thing, it's time to go!
[PrevediteCroatian]   [Podnestite ispravakEnglish]

Igru kreiranu kao sigman
Preveo irki


Use the arrow keys to expand and contract the spinning stick, try and collect the blocks with the black end of the centrifuge. Avoid the red bombs otherwise it's game over!
[PrevediteCroatian]   [Podnestite ispravakEnglish]

Igru kreiranu kao gamingmonkey
Preveo gamingmonkey


Each player has 8 pawns of 2 colors. Every turn the player can put or move a pawn (or a stack) on the board. You have the reds and the yellows. Pawns can be stacked until 4 stages. A pawn (or stack) can only move one step. To win the game you must be the first to complete a «Diam». A «Diam» is 2 pawns of the same color and on the same stage of the stack across from one another. The lowest...
[PrevediteCroatian]   [Podnestite ispravakEnglish]

Igru kreiranu kao alainc
Preveo Polio1


You must use your mouse to guide the virus past 10 increasingly difficult levels to reach the end and implant the virus into the computer system.
[PrevediteCroatian]   [Podnestite ispravakEnglish]

Igru kreiranu kao gamingmonkey
Preveo Java Freak


Odbijanje je mini igrica koja se odigrava na biljar stolu. Cilj igre je prikupiti što više sudara kugli u jednom potezu. Kad kugla udari drugu kuglu, ona dobija malo veću energiju. Ne igraj previše ovu igru, to je bacanje vremena.
Klikni mišom za udarac.
Klikni na najbolje rezultate da vidiš replay-eve.

  [Podnestite ispravakCroatian]

Igru kreiranu kao jp
Preveo zdravka


Three fellows move on the board. When a fellow arrives over a crossroad, he chooses a direction blindly. But if an adjacent space contains a candy, he chooses the direction of it. Click on a space to set/unset a candy and use them to avoid the collisions. Game ends when you have reach 20 collisions.
[PrevediteCroatian]   [Podnestite ispravakEnglish]

Igru kreiranu kao alainc
Preveo jp

Jump Knight

Jump Knight
An awsome game I made.

Get to the Flashing stone on the right as fast as you can.

Left arrow key or key 1 to jump one space, down arrow or key 2 to jump two spaces, right key or key 3 to jump three spaces.

[PrevediteCroatian]   [Podnestite ispravakEnglish]

Igru kreiranu kao davidw
Preveo davidw

Bilboquet game

Bilboquet game
Bilboquet (also called Ring and pin game or Kendama in Japan) is an old game of dexterity, invented in France in the 16th century. This, the 21st century version of the game uses the flash technology to play bilboquet virtually online! The goal of the game is still the same. Throw the ball up and impale it on the stick. Try to score as many times as you can in the given 30 seconds. Each...
[PrevediteCroatian]   [Podnestite ispravakEnglish]

Igru kreiranu kao jp
Preveo jp

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