Llista Jocs

Traducció del web - Diams


Traducció del web - Jocs on-line (2xflash)

FrancèsAnglèsPortuguèsPortuguèsRusCastellàXinès simplificatJaponèsAlemanyPolonèsHongarès


Each player has 8 pawns of 2 colors. Every turn the player can put or move a pawn (or a stack) on the board. You have the reds and the yellows.

Pawns can be stacked until 4 stages. A pawn (or stack) can only move one step.

To win the game you must be the first to complete a «Diam». A «Diam» is 2 pawns of the same color and on the same stage of the stack across from one another. The lowest level doesn't count.

Each time you win, you gain 1 point. Each time you lose, you lose 1 point.

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