Директория Игры

Перевод вебсайта - Fly Air France

Перевод вебсайта - Игры он-лайн (Директория)

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Fly Air France

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The concept of this game is not revolutionary, it reminds us of the excellent [dirid=997]Drifts[/dirid]. Nevertheless, the graphics and the gameplay has been carefully adjusted and make it very enjoyable. The goal of he game is to fly as long as possible, avoiding the red signs and collecting the blue ones to improve the comfort of the passengers. By the way, you can win a pair of tickets if you enter the highscores.
The concept of this game is not new, it has some similarity to the [dirid=997]Drifts[/dirid] game. The graphics and method of playing although similar is different enough to make it an enjoyable way to pass the time. The goal of he game is to keep your passengers comfortable and happy. To do so you must pick up in flight "Perks" along the way (these are the blue signs you will see in the sky). As with all airlines you want to keep your customers happy and so you will want to avoid the red signs that will make their trip unpleasant. The more "perks" you capture, the longer and further you will fly. According to the game info, if you do well enough to enter the highscore screen, you are eligible to win a pair of tickets from Air France.


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