Rehber Oyunlar

Site'nin tercümanı - Super Serif Bross

Site'nin tercümanı - Online oyunlar (Rehber)

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Super Serif Bross

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Serif Bross is an interesting platform game with an original design using only characters. Use arrows to move / collect all [b]£[/b] to open the exit ([b]e[/b] becomes [b]E[/b]). There is a level editor to create your own levels and you can play other people's levels.
Serif Bros is an interesting platform game with an original design using only the character keys from the keyboard. Using the arrow keys, move left, right, up and down to collect all of the [b]£[/b]. Once you have collected all of the available [b]£[/b], the small letter "[b]e[/b]" will become a captial "[b]E[/b]" and this will serve as the exit to the next level.
What makes this game so unique
is that many of the levels have been created by players like yourself. Using the level editor   create your own level to enjoy and to be enjoyed by others.


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