Llista Jocs

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Traducció del web - Jocs on-line (Llista)

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After creating [dirid=913]Death in Sakkara[/dirid], the partnership between BBC and Preloaded has produced a new episodic, live action, video adventure game. The first scene introduces you to the story and your role as Adam Foster. Your job is to unlock the mystery and defeat the ancient and bloody conspiracy that threatens to erupt into the present day. Using the mouse to click, drag, move and catch objects on the screen, it is up to you to figure out how to move the story forward. Episode one,Manesia, was released while this review was being written. Three new epiosdes are coming soon.

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Pren-te un minut per traduir aquesta llista de paraules/frases a la teva llengua preferida. L'equip Pépère no té prou mitjans per a pagar professionals, si t'agrada aquesta web fes-ho més fàcil pels teus compatriotes. No cal que tradueixis tota la llista, deixa en blanc el que no vols o no pots traduir. Les traduccions seràn validades abans de posar-les on-line. Gràcies per la teva ajuda!
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