Drejtoria Lojrat

Perkthimi i adreses se internetit - Happy new year 2007!

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Happy new year 2007!

Korrigjim i vjeterKorrigjim i ri

Hi all! Happy new year and best wished for 2007!
I'm still here working on new games. Of course there is a "[gameid=82]Jump gear[/gameid] Level Edition" in the pipe, but there will be another game (or 2) before. Why? Because I want to test the new level editing and sharing system with a game more simple than Jump Gear. The new system will allow you to create levels, share them with all visitors. The levels will be moderated, that means some levels (badly done, boring, already seen...) won't be acceped and the players won't play the same levels again and again, only innovative levels.
Hi all! Happy new year and best wishes for 2007!
I'm still here working on new games. Of course there is a "[gameid=82]Jump gear[/gameid] Level Edition" in the
pipeline, but there will be another game (or 2) before it comes out. Why? Because I want to test the new level editing and sharing system with a game more simple than Jump Gear. The new system will allow you to create levels and share them with all visitors. The levels will be moderated, which means that some levels (badly done, boring, already seen...) won't be acceped so the players won't play the same levels again and again, only innovative levels.

[h2]Main events of 2006[/h2]
- The 2xFlash section has received about 30 new games this year. We are not professional game deelopers but we do our best to provide innovative and enjoyable games. Thanks a lot to all developers who trusted pepere.org to show their work.

- [userid=11328] is still our [urlin=https://www.pepere.org/games_#l#_ab/best-pepere-fight_e.html]world champion[/urlin], but [userid=34474] and [userid=33619] are learning very fast.

- Jump Gear has become very popular with more than 400000 views only 5 months after being released. Special thanks to [userid=22468], [userid=33619] and other very good players for the interesting fight in the highscores table.

[h2]What's next?[/h2]
- New level sharing system.

- New games.

- Website improvements (favorites, emails notifications, "who is online"... among other things).


[h2]Main events of 2006[/h2]
- The 2xFlash section has received about 30 new games this year. We are not professional game deelopers but we do our best to provide innovative and enjoyable games. Thanks a lot to all developers who trusted pepere.org to show their work.

- [userid=11328] is still our [urlin=https://www.pepere.org/games_#l#_ab/best-pepere-fight_e.html]world champion[/urlin], but [userid=34474] and [userid=33619] are learning very fast.

- Jump Gear has become very popular with more than 400000 views only 5 months after being released. Special thanks to [userid=22468], [userid=33619] and other very good players for the interesting fight in the highscores table.

[h2]What's next?[/h2]
- New level sharing system.

- New games.

- Website improvements (favorites, emails notifications, "who is online"... among other things).



emri, pseudonimi, adrese interrneti (30 letters max), ky texst do te lidhet tek falenderimet.

Fut kodin njesoj si e sheh

Shpenzoni një minutë nga koha juaj e vlefshme për të përkthyer në gjuhën tuaj këtë listë fjalësh apo fjalishë. Grupi " Pépère " nuk ka mundësi të paguajë profesionistë. Nëse dëshironi që kjo adresë Interneti të jetë e lehtë për t'u përdorur nga bashkëkombësit tuaj dhe që ju të mos keni nevojë ta përktheni të gjithë listën, lërini bosh fjalët që nuk dini ose nuk doni t'i përktheni. Përkthimet do të vlerësohen shpejt dhe më pas do të paraqiten në faqen e Internetit.

Ju faleminderit shumë për ndihmën Tuaj!
  [Bej nje korrigjimShqip]
Perkthyer nga ebru,ebrubest