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Najviše igrana igra mjeseca - Strategija

Najviše igrana igra mjeseca - Strategija - 12 Igre
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Phase Out!

Phase Out!
Try to phase out all of the tiles. Please note: The 2nd level of the square game is the ONLY game that tracks your score (this is the 5x5 game). Depending on the popularity I could always change it to one of the harder levels. Enjoy!!
[PrevediteCroatian]   [Podnestite ispravakEnglish]

Igru kreiranu kao jbensch
Preveo jbensch

Just Sudoku

Just Sudoku
A Sudoku game with lots of different puzzles to solve online without using pen and paper. The aim of the puzzle is to enter a numeral from 1 through 9 in each cell of a grid, most frequently a 9×9 grid made up of 3×3 subgrids (called "regions"), starting with various numerals given in some cells (the "givens"). Each row, column and region must contain only one instance of each numeral....
[PrevediteCroatian]   [Podnestite ispravakEnglish]

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