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Click the colour
Click as fast as possible on the button corresponding to the appearing colour and try not to be disturbed by the meaning of the text. Basic knowledge of english colour names is needed to play this game: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue and Pink.
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Invisible quest 2
Un joc dificil de dominar per en Nicolás Fischman. Porta el cursor del ratoli fins a "start", el ratoli es torna invisible i has de portarlo fins a "finish" sense tocar les parets. Els ulls t'ajudaran a saber on esta el ratoli per que sempre l'estan mirant.
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Cubic Exploding Goro
En aquest joc boig en 3D fet al Japó has de controlar un soldat amb el ratolí i evitar les onades d'enemics. Utilitza el ratolí per moure't i evita que et toquin els soldats i vehicles enemics. Mantén premut el botó del ratolí per carregar els explosius i deixa'l anar per disparar. Amb més de 24 nivells i una gran varietat d'enemics, aquest joc és un desafiament. La manera de jugar recorda altres jocs com Iconien i Pretty Pretty Bang Bang.
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El corredor del tub
Utilitza les fletxes per conduir el teu robot androide a través del tub metàl•lic. Vigila amb els obstacles: amb les fletxes dreta i esquerra podràs girar, prem la fletxa de dalt per saltar i la de baix per passar per sota els obstacles. És un joc addictiu i fàcil de passar.
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Cucs a l'espai
Tu controles un punt amb les fletxes i has d'evitar que et toqui l'altre punt, que t'anirà seguint contínuament. Intenta mantenir-te tanta estona com puguis sense ser tocat per l'altre punt.
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City Jumper New York City
Aquest joc és una seqüela del gran joc City Jumper. Aquesta New York City Edition proporciona nous nivells i nous obstacles per saltar; segueix sent un joc molt entretingut. La fletxa esquerra serveix per fer un salt curt i la dreta per fer-ne un de llarg. Molt senzill i molt divertit.
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Sesam invaders
Again another twist on the Space invaders theme. This time you must shoot down the incoming "words" by typing all their letters before they reach the ground. The game originates in Norway, and the words are in Norwegian. It will be a lot easier if you speak the language. The gameplay is very similar to the Play4Traffic game. There is however one problem when playing in English or any other language and that is if your keyboard doesn't have the unique Norwegian alphabet "characters" then you're toast. You automatically lose a player/round if you miss even one word and without the keyboard "characters" that happens as early as Round 2.
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Chroma Blast
From Clever media studios, "Chroma blast" is an original shooter in which you fight against colors. Use the Z (blue), X (yellow) and C (red) keys to fire blasts of color and destroy the incoming plasma. Your blast color must match the plasma color to destroy it. In later levels you must mix the colors and even combine all three. For example, for an orange incoming plasma, you must simultneously press the X (yellow) and C (red) key to destroy it.
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Reflex 3
Test your reflexes in this fast paced shooter. Shoot the targets before they disapear, with a limited number of bullets. Aim at the center of the targets for more points.
Once you completed this one, play again to the excellent Chris Ryan's Sniping school.
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Bak Bak Backpacker
These mad guys from Norway have made a very simple but challenging game. If you don't believe they're mad, watch them playing the chicken flute game at klukk.org. A chicken is running around a rotating sphere collecting various objects for points and trying to survive as long as possible. The controls are very simple. Use the up arrow to jump or increase speed and the down arrow to slow down or duck your head. Do not touch the cross symbol as this means instant death.
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