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Soccer challenge

Juego creado por: jp
Sitio Web (http://...)

Soccer Challenge is a set of 8 mini games based on the theme of soccer (football) that has been developed to celebrate FIFA World Cup 2006. You control a small blue footballer with the mouse and must accomplish 8 challenges against time. Your global score is the sum of the 8 scores. The skills required to enter the highscores or even to become the world champion, are ability, strategy, and quickness (and being registered).

- If the game is too slow, toggle the quality by clicking on the "Q" button.
- Another game about football is nearly completed, so check out the home page from time to time ^_-.

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Juego creado por: jp
Traducido por jp

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38 votos
Visto 784499 tiempo
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  Perfil     Mensaje Krzysiaczek ( 20 julio 2008 11:58) : gupie
  Perfil     Mensaje DźgPL ( 31 octubre 2010 23:46) : jebani francuzi
  Perfil     Mensaje bellidzx ( 11 noviembre 2023 07:20) : Amazing game! Picket Railings Nice
  Perfil     Mensaje bellidzx ( 23 julio 2024 07:59) : Cool game. Hope for more content! Septic Tank Pros
  Perfil     Mensaje joedavidson ( 27 julio 2024 01:30) : Thanks for updating this game for! We do really appreciate the improvements you've made.
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Mejor del mes d0nn0r 1600 puntos.
Mejor del dia bzyk15 512 puntos.