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Babboon & friends

Juego creado por: jp
Sitio Web (http://...)

The story: This is a sequel to the World of Archoon, where only archers and balloons live. The struggle continues. Babboon and his friends have risen in rebellion and build a comunity of irritating balloons that escape your arrows. You must shoot them down as fast as possible to win the game and enter the highscores. Good luck brave archer...

The controls: Click on the mouse button to strike back the string of the bow and release the button to shoot. Tip 1: Aim at the nearest balloon and try to hit as accurately as possible. Tip 2: Click on the highscore list to view a demo performed by the best players.

The comments: There are 2 way of playing the game, the "machine gun" one and the "slowly but surely" one. Maybe the combination of the 2 techniques might be the key...
Built with processing and Proguard

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Juego creado por: jp

Traducido por jez

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  Perfil     Mensaje bellidzx ( 10 enero 2024 03:54) : Nice game! Happy 2024 guys!
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