Mensagens a partir de 1 total 17 |
| 19 maio 2005 12:16 | Nice score on the elephant game  |
| 1 julho 2005 23:12 | damned?? |
| 4 setembro 2005 10:14 | salut karelin pourè tu m expliqué une méthode pour envoié léléfan le plu loin!
je te remercie!!!!!!!!!! |
| 15 novembro 2005 18:57 | men helllooouuuu  |
| 24 novembro 2005 14:47 | I understand that u have a secret for "go Wild", was hopping u maybe share it...
U should worry about save the earth, becouse i finaly know how to play it....
Good luck to u to!
| 25 novembro 2005 12:50 | hopping, whising or sommething, don't realy know how to write it
No there is no trick for save the earth, not that i know off, it took me just a lot of time to learn the game... |
| 29 dezembro 2005 18:03 | Pourai tu me doner ta tecnhique a go wild (quel logiciel utilise tu lol)
parce ke moi jai meme essayer auto click a avec 1clik/10mili sec sa ma fé 181 en score...)
mici |
| 30 dezembro 2005 02:11 | hello karelin, peu tu m'aider a faire de meilleur score dans "go wildé et le jeu avec l'éléphant... merci bcp  |
| 4 janeiro 2006 13:17 | Merci bocou, mai j'ai pa d'ordi super lent dc c balo, lol... Encor merci en esperan ke j'arrive a faire de meilleur score grâce a tes conseils... Biz |
| 4 janeiro 2006 13:51 | merci d'avoir repondu avec franchise c simpa ++ |
| 24 janeiro 2006 12:56 | thank u very much, you had 860 points but JP had a hard drive crash and lost a lot of data he is very sorry about it, u can read it in the news section.
i to lost some new scores, but just have to try again... |
| 28 janeiro 2006 16:35 | i am getting closser.... nice score by the way with the fish game!! |
| 2 fevereiro 2006 16:49 | verry great scote on save the earth.... thats going to be hard to beat..... |
| 22 fevereiro 2006 13:28 | 1000 points..... hmmm, that will be no sleep for me to night....  |
| 28 fevereiro 2006 11:45 | Yes, 1100 soon i think it is bossible... for two weeks ago i thought 1000 was possible... now it is 1100....  |
| 11 março 2006 20:54 | 1100 is possile.....  |
| 22 março 2008 21:28 | abi ya ben bu oyundan anlamdım oynuyorumda dönüşler biÅŸras sapıtıyor oynuyamıyorum  |
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