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Przygoda - 116 Gry
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Któtka i oryginalna platformówka stworzona przez Noonata. Jeśli myślisz, że ta gra jest zbyt trudna, wiedz, że są w niej tylko cztery plansze.
  [Popraw tłumaczeniePolska]
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Gift - Who am I?
Once while, let's post a Room escape game on pepere.org.
This one is from Robamimi, japanese flash developer.
Play also the 2 previews room escape games from the same author : KID's ROOM and ESCAFE.

[TłumaczPolska]   [Popraw tłumaczenieAngielski]
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Samorost 1 & 2
The Samorost series is a strangely fun game by Jakub Dvorský of Amanita Design.
Samorost 1
Samorost 2
[TłumaczPolska]   [Popraw tłumaczenieAngielski]
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Epic war 2
Epic War is back. New artwork, dozens of new units across 3 playable races, a new upgrade system, and 3 huge boss battles.
Raise a massive army and bring down the enemy forces and their fortress.
Warning, filesize is over 12Mb.

[TłumaczPolska]   [Popraw tłumaczenieAngielski]
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Lock's Quest Flash Game
This flash version of the DS game Lock's Quest features lovely pixel graphics and a good difficulty progression. You have to defend your castle against waves of ennmies, using your canons. After each day completed, you can buy improvements and repair.
[TłumaczPolska]   [Popraw tłumaczenieAngielski]
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WTF?! is a WoW inspired side-scrolling Flash-based RPG. What a brilliant RPG in Flash!

[TłumaczPolska]   [Popraw tłumaczenieAngielski]
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Protector is a mix between defense games and RPG games. And it is so addictive...
[TłumaczPolska]   [Popraw tłumaczenieAngielski]
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A point n click game from Rob Allen the author of Hapland series.
Visit his website for more games.
[TłumaczPolska]   [Popraw tłumaczenieAngielski]
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Gateway 2
Gateway 2 is a robotical point and click by Anders Gustafsson. In this game you need some basic knowledge about physics and time. Codes and secret places... Remember that sometimes things need time, and therefore this game is (in it's own way) very realistic.
This game continues from the previous one, Gateway. You are now grey and you need to look for video tapes to help a girl. Watching the tapes helps you to understand what has happened...
Good luck!
[TłumaczPolska]   [Popraw tłumaczenieAngielski]
Komentarze(0) - Wprowadzone przez Wormhole / Tłumaczone przez Wormhole
Manifold is a gravity-based game by Joel Esler. In this game you have to shoot balls of gravity in orfer to get to the finishing point. You can collect ammo from a field, wich has arrows pointing to somewhere. Click and then hit the Spacebar.
To shoot click and then drag the arrow to the direction you want to go. beware of long falls and gearwheels and ect.
Fun game with simple graphics and few levels.
[TłumaczPolska]   [Popraw tłumaczenieAngielski]
Komentarze(1) - Wprowadzone przez Wormhole / Tłumaczone przez Wormhole
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