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Država : Italy
Registracija 28 prosinac 2004 14:17
Posljednji posjet 16 srpanj 2005 15:38

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Ažurirano : 1 siječanj 1970 00:00

Posljednje poruke Posljednje poruke
  Profil     Poruka jp ( 31 siječanj 2005 17:15) : The albanian flag is online, it's up to you now, good luck!
  Profil     Poruka modena ( 1 veljača 2005 03:46) : THANKYOU!!!
  Profil     Poruka modena ( 10 srpanj 2005 11:33) : I still must tradure? How much still remains to us? You can use this adress Please I pray to you, put online the albanian Page!!! Thank you!!!
  Profil     Poruka jp ( 10 srpanj 2005 13:28) : I've sent you an email with the file and my remarks, thanks!
  Profil     Poruka modena ( 13 srpanj 2005 15:32) : there is not a problem you can leave them in Italian!!! Becouse i have not more free time, but the albanian people can use them without problem. Thank you
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