International karate + - Flash IK+ - Játék
Kategóriák Játék

International karate + - Flash IK+

2 június 2005 08:36
     I've been looking for this game all around the world and here it is : Atari and Amiga IK+ game in flash. This is a performance by Ant from The file is pretty big (478K) and you will need a powerful computer but the game definitely worth it. 'P' for fire and keyboard arrows to move/kick. Congratulations for this great work!Magyar

Submitted by jp
Translated by jp

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  Profil     Üzenet concuspice ( 2 május 2006 22:04) : c est domage qu il n y est pas le bonus avec les boules qui rebondisse,mais en meme temps c est un vrai plaisir de retrouver ce jeux
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