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Country : Turkey - Türkiye
Registration 6 February 2008 13:32
Latest visit 19 May 2010 13:02

Personal statistics
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Veggie Fling   600 points. Rank : 141

2 500 600 550 24 August 2008 09:21
Sproing!   3876 points. Rank : 162

2 3870 3876 3873 25 August 2008 14:10
Crazy Mammoths   Not classified

2 7 9 8 29 July 2009 15:51
Captain Pépère
  Not classified

2 111.98 117.2 114.59 18 February 2008 14:39
Pépère and his trailer
  92.76 points. Rank : 1906       REPLAY        

2 86.1 92.76 89.43 18 February 2008 14:27
The parallel parking
  146.25 points. Rank : 4515       REPLAY        

2 144.43 146.25 145.34 18 February 2008 14:16
Air Magic Pépère
  Not classified

2 19 21 20 21 September 2009 21:40
  346   167         48.27%
Sproing Reloaded   8835 points. Rank : 66

1 8835 8835 8835 26 August 2009 12:24

Latest update : 7 September 2024 03:13

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