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Country : Lithuania
Registration 1 October 2008 15:54
Latest visit 1 October 2008 15:54

Personal statistics
Skydiver   Not classified

5 50245 99913 87462 1 October 2008 16:27
Rolling Turtle   192 points. Rank : 656

2 99 192 146 1 October 2008 16:30
Pépère on the rocks
  Not classified

1 23.28 23.28 23.28 1 October 2008 15:57
Ringmania   Not classified

1 1281 1281 1281 1 October 2008 16:07
Sproing!   Not classified

1 653 653 653 1 October 2008 16:10
Fishy Falldown   Not classified

1 293 293 293 1 October 2008 16:19
Save the earth   Not classified

1 4852 4852 4852 1 October 2008 16:23

Latest update : 11 September 2024 06:20

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