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Самая популярная игра месяца

Самая популярная игра месяца - 91 Игры
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Crazy Mammoths (Сумасшедшие Мамонты)

Crazy Mammoths (Сумасшедшие Мамонты)
Игра «Сумасшедшие Мамонты» проста на первый взгляд, но вместе с тем требует определенной стратегии, чтобы остаться лидером в каждой контрольной точке.Первенство достигается через стратегические прыжки,...
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Игра, написанная пользователем 'jp'
Перевод сделан S777

Bilboquet game

Bilboquet game
Bilboquet (also called Ring and pin game or Kendama in Japan) is an old game of dexterity, invented in France in the 16th century. This, the 21st century version of the game uses the flash technology to play bilboquet virtually online! The goal of the game is still the same. Throw the ball up and impale it on the stick. Try to score as many times as you can in the given 30 seconds. Each...
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Игра, написанная пользователем 'jp'
Перевод сделан jp


The game was created for the java games 4K contest. It was developed by Markus Persson (Notch on Pepere) and won the 2006 contest. Markus kindly authorized jp to adapt it to the pepere.org highscore system. The goal of the game is to dig tunnels that lead the Miners to the gold, then back to the starting position again. Right-click to build tunnels for the workers and left-click to build ground....
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Игра, написанная пользователем 'Notch'
Перевод сделан Z3RO


Игра стиля "строительство башен". Создайте стабильную постройку достающую до светящейся луны. Созданная башня одним из узлов должна касаться святящейся луны не менее 3 секунд.Moonlights...
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Игра, написанная пользователем 'jp'


Rebounds is a mini game which takes place on a billiards board. The goal of the game is to get as many collisions as possible in one shot. When a ball strikes another ball, it gains a little bit more of energy. Don't play this game too much, it's a deep waste of time.
Click on the mouse button to shoot.
Click on the highscores to look at the replays.

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Игра, написанная пользователем 'jp'
Перевод сделан jp

Jump Gear 2

Jump Gear 2
Draw, import or play official tracks created by the BonusLevel players. Race against time, jump over hills and execute AWSOME flips.

[SPACE] to jump.
[UP][DOWN] to accelerate.
[LEFT][RIGHT] to flip.
[PAGEUP][PAGEDOWN] to zoom in or out.
[ESCAPE] to restart.

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Игра, написанная пользователем 'jp'
Перевод сделан serby


Цель игры-сделать так, чтобы все кольца исчезли. В игре 17 уровней с возрастающей сложностью. Выстройте линию из 3 колец одного цвета, чтобы кольца исчезли. Пробел-увеличение скорости падения колец, стрелки вправо/влево -...
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Игра, написанная пользователем 'jp'

Cold Fusion

Cold Fusion
In this tricky game you will have to prepare plasma pieces for cold fusion.
Through skilled elimination of the right pieces you can create big clusters
of pieces that score much more points!
The game uses a simple point and click interface...

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Игра, написанная пользователем 'qplaygames'
Перевод сделан qplaygames


Capsules is a web 2.0 puzzle game. All of the levels are designed by collaborative work of pepere.org members. You can play and edit the levels by using the buttons above the main game screen. For quick play, you can play the official levels by clicking on the link marked . In this mode, all levels must be unlocked one after another - hence, if you wish to go further, you must play and complete...
[Перевестирусский]   [Подтвердите исправлениеАнглийский]

Игра, написанная пользователем 'jp'
Перевод сделан mrsneeze

World of Archoon

World of Archoon
The story: Archoon is a strange and boring world where only archers and balloons live. Archers are shooting all day long at the balloons, while the latter try to reach the sky. A warning, this game may contain scenes showing mass balloon deaths. The controls: Hold the mouse to draw the string back, release the mouse button to shoot. Don't let a balloon reach the sky. Click on highscores to view...
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Игра, написанная пользователем 'jp'
Перевод сделан bastien

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