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メッセージ・ボックス - "bastien"

メッセージ № 1 ~/合計 3
Matty tha thug
2007年 12月 6日 14:57Hi Bastien! First: String does that capsules moves like a worm like in my level "Beam". To use string select two capsules and string them. On the one that shall follow the other press "Path" "Physics" and then adjust push and pull force. Try it out!

Second: To contol a green, or red, or blue capsule. Make a yellow capsule, copy it and paste-link. Put the colour you want on the new capsule. Take the internal of the yellow capsule to the center of the new capsule. If you want the yellow capsule to dissapear, make a blue capsule and put it on the yellow capsule, select both and choose "alive grp".

If you don't understand i can try to make a video!
Matty tha thug
2007年 12月 9日 11:10I'm sorry, I didn't catch that!
Matty tha thug
2007年 12月 11日 13:11Make the other capsule "Path" "Solid" the "Friction" desides how easy it is to push it!
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