Drejtoria Lojrat

Perkthimi i adreses se internetit - Drag Racer 3

Perkthimi i adreses se internetit - Lojra ne linje (Drejtoria)

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Drag Racer 3

Drag Racer 3 is a car racing and designing game, in which there are 3 different difficulty levels (easy/medium/hard). As you progress in being a good car racer and earn more winnings, you are able to buy and design faster cars and thus beat faster opponents. The difference between the 3 levels is the sum of money with which you start, and hence the type of car with which you start when you begin.
There are also three different ways to play this game:
Arcade mode, Tuner mode, and Online mode.
For "Arcade mode", you can be the racer of any car you wish, without having gone through the long process of winning and losing. This is helpful if you want to see the performance of cars.
For "Tuner mode", you begin with a set sum of money, and depending on your success, you proceed on buying and designing better cars.
In "Online mode", you need to download the game, but it enables you to chat with others, and show off your "cool" car.
TIP: in "tuner mode", once you beat a car, select the LAST car in the list in order to have a NEW car appear on the list.


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