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Juego creado por: d0ornab

All the farmer's chickens have run away, so he has hired you to catch as many as you can..

Do this by clicking on the chicken that's running around on the screen..
Click on the egg that appears once in a while to stun the chicken..
The more chickens you catch, the faster they'll run around..

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Juego creado por: d0ornab

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22 votos
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  Perfil     Mensaje Polio1 ( 17 agosto 2006 07:57) : I don't get this game... They escape, how do we stop them?

Edit: Nvm
  Perfil     Mensaje stevernofski ( 13 septiembre 2006 15:47) : wtf is the cheat?

  Perfil     Mensaje woman ( 26 noviembre 2006 12:49) : coucou comme,t sa ba
  Perfil     Mensaje unglücklich ( 7 febrero 2007 16:53) : güzel oyun
  Perfil     Mensaje fabio_colorado ( 14 octubre 2009 18:24) : Primeirão !!!!!
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