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Ringmania 2

Um jogo criado por jp
Website (http://...)

The sequel of Ringmania.

In Ringmania 2, you control the rings with the mouse and you must face the floating rings appearing from the top of the screen.

The strategy of the game is based on these few statements :

- When a set of 3 rings of the same colour are connected, they explode. All remaining rings that are not connected anymore to a "Black bubble" also explode.

- When a floating ring gets out of the board, the left and right walls are getting closer.

- When all rings of a given colour have exploded, no more rings of this colour appears (unless a remaining floating ring of this colour get stuck again on your rings).

- The game is over when you don't have enough space to move the rings.

A level editor is available.

By the way, for the first time, there isn't a "REPLAY" function on this game. When the game is controled by the mouse and lasts so long, it becomes very hard to record all the events. That's why...

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Um jogo criado por jp

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