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Country : Brazil - Brasil
Registration 8 October 2008 14:41
Latest visit 12 December 2013 20:27

Personal statistics
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Critical Mass   104800 points. Rank : 5

895 100 104800 27810 13 January 2011 20:09
Balls   2684 points. Rank : 1

830 0 2684 383 4 December 2013 19:38
Life of Squid   34750 points. Rank : 1

650 20 34750 568 18 November 2013 14:41
Chickencatcher   16352 points. Rank : 1

636 0 16352 199 24 October 2013 14:39
Touch The Bubbles   5005 points. Rank : 1

631 1 5005 89 24 October 2013 14:37
Football   30342 points. Rank : 1

624 1 30342 133 30 October 2013 21:13
Fishy Falldown   60555 points. Rank : 1

622 4 60555 902 30 October 2013 21:04
Home Computer Wars: Alpha Mission   2316660 points. Rank : 1

615 0 2316660 8162 24 October 2013 14:45

Latest update : 22 July 2024 05:34

Latest messages Latest messages
  Profile     Message xdigox ( 6 August 2009 19:03) : mas sinceramente aquele 7000 do primeiro colocado acho que foi algum truque , pq acho que nem da tempo da bolinha ir tão longe mesmo dando uma tacada maguinifica....
  Profile     Message xdigox ( 2 September 2009 13:35) : o joguinho dos inferno esse DIAM...tive que jogar trocentas mil vezes pra conseguir 2 pontinhos kkkk
  Profile     Message Luiz_Gustavo_PP ( 3 September 2009 21:37) : nao onde tem q entra para jogar?
  Profile     Message xdigox ( 20 September 2009 08:13) : da-lhe Vitória e da-lhe Cruzeiro!!!
e tricolor na ponta! rsrsrs
  Profile     Message Åšniek ( 20 October 2010 15:56) : jestes kurwa i tyle
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