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2xFlash - Programmers and gamers

The newest games
MoonlightsTweet Force21 BalloonsDung12 Seconds

2xFlash is a multilingual platform where the game programmers and gamers can meet each other. This platform, which was originally designed for developing Flash-game, is also compatible with Java-games.

Here in Pepere we would like to play your games. We appreciate smart, light and quick games. Smart and small, the games must be under 300Kb

Game developers, submit your games here and get feedback and opinions from a community of experienced gamers

When you send a game to, we will share google adsense proffits with you.

Best games of the month
World of ArchoonCold FusionJump Gear 2Crazy MammothsLove Overdose
ReboundsJump Gear - RandomPumpkin SupplyRingmaniaEsTension
Veggie FlingRolling TurtleFlash SnakeCapsulesCavern Flier
BLockobanLife of SquidNano BotSlippery Side SwipeKersplat

Most played of the month
Crazy MammothsBilboquet gameMiners4KReboundsJump Gear 2
RingmaniaCold FusionCapsulesWorld of ArchoonJump Gear - Random

Permission of the author is required for copying and using games and works shown on this website in other electronic, internet or printed publications.