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Country : France
Registration 10 March 2005 05:06
Latest visit 28 October 2012 23:12

Personal statistics
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BlockPuzzle   3350 points. Rank : 59

1 3350 3350 3350 10 October 2007 21:06
Camera Mind   Not classified

1 12 12 12 20 June 2006 14:44
ZIAG! - The Simplest Game On Earth   778 points. Rank : 133

1 778 778 778 28 January 2009 23:04

Latest update : 25 July 2024 04:09

Latest messages Latest messages
  Profile     Message X-man ( 2 February 2006 16:49) : verry great scote on save the earth.... thats going to be hard to beat.....
  Profile     Message X-man ( 22 February 2006 13:28) : 1000 points..... hmmm, that will be no sleep for me to night....
  Profile     Message X-man ( 28 February 2006 11:45) : Yes, 1100 soon i think it is bossible... for two weeks ago i thought 1000 was possible... now it is 1100....
  Profile     Message X-man ( 11 March 2006 20:54) : 1100 is possile.....
  Profile     Message muzomuz ( 22 March 2008 21:28) : abi ya ben bu oyundan anlamdım oynuyorumda dönüşler biÅŸras sapıtıyor oynuyamıyorum
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