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Country : Germany - Deutschland
Registration 7 December 2009 20:11
Latest visit 20 October 2023 14:10

Personal statistics
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Cold Fusion   3929 points. Rank : 5

44308 0 3929 855 11 January 2021 09:42
Bat Vs Ball 1.0   47146 points. Rank : 1

9097 310 47146 5773 7 August 2019 11:06
Pépère on the rocks
  202.13 points. Rank : 1       REPLAY        

853 90.37 202.13 196.74 21 September 2020 12:17
Captain Pépère
  230.05 points. Rank : 7       REPLAY        

712 212.07 230.05 226.78 6 August 2019 19:03
Rebounds   62 points. Rank : 313

231 0 113 35 20 September 2019 10:30
12 Seconds   1965 points. Rank : 21

138 -5057 1965 -239 20 September 2019 10:49
Football   24 points. Rank : 312

66 1 24 8 20 September 2019 10:31
Worm racing   140 points. Rank : 32

48 37 140 100 5 January 2017 20:35

Latest update : 19 July 2024 12:54

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