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Country : France
Registration 10 November 2007 20:41
Latest visit 23 July 2017 21:02

Personal statistics
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  Next  
Diams   3 points. Rank : 39

1052 0 3 0 24 June 2013 01:15
Rebounds   141 points. Rank : 292

737 0 141 34 2 July 2017 23:47
Cold Fusion   4066 points. Rank : 2

693 0 4066 1864 23 July 2017 22:33
Miners4K   19765 points. Rank : 9

347 1096 19765 6700 28 September 2012 11:06
CyBalls   29760 points. Rank : 8

337 3430 29760 19603 23 July 2017 21:09
Jump Gear 2   2506297 points. Rank : 13

229 18673 2506297 1476160 12 April 2009 01:31
12 Seconds   20947 points. Rank : 1

181 -4563 20947 1583 23 July 2017 21:14
Air Magic Pépère
  72 points. Rank : 8       REPLAY        

166 18 72 49 23 July 2017 21:10
  47221   19730         41.78%

Latest update : 27 July 2024 01:25

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