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Country : France
Registration 21 April 2005 09:32
Latest visit 10 October 2011 11:48

Personal statistics
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  Next  
Centrifuge   270 points. Rank : 152

191 0 270 49 10 January 2007 08:06
Diams   1 points. Rank : 69

103 0 1 0 4 January 2007 12:38
12 Seconds   1082 points. Rank : 56

100 -108 1082 228 7 July 2009 19:13
Bilboquet game   28 points. Rank : 33

98 1 28 4 21 October 2008 16:04
Cold Fusion   1633 points. Rank : 244

92 249 1633 838 29 June 2009 13:17
Jump Knight   244 points. Rank : 62

89 1 244 84 28 May 2006 17:15
The elephant game
  195.21 points. Rank : 834       REPLAY        
86 -208.52 195.21 58.36 21 October 2008 13:02


The elephant game
  Not classified
86 26.61 179.1 93.1 21 October 2008 13:01

Latest update : 21 July 2024 17:56

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