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AnglishtFrengjishtFinlandishtÇekePortugezePortugezeItalishtPolakeGjermanishtTurkishtNorvegjishtHollandezeSpanishtHebraishtDanezeRomanishtSllovakeHungarishtSuedishtKatalonjeKroateGrekeKineze e thjeshtuar
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shteti : Sweden - Sverige
Rregistrimi 4 Shkurt 2006 16:39
Vizita e fundit 9 Prill 2011 22:34

Profili i zhvilluesit

Statistika personale
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  tjetra  
frena dore Pépère
  394.51 piket. tingelloi : 55       PERSERITJE        

2754 12.7 394.51 360.62 7 Dhjetor 2008 17:41
Diams   9 piket. tingelloi : 18

1821 0 9 0 11 Korrik 2006 08:32
Kapiten Pépère
  229 piket. tingelloi : 13       PERSERITJE        

1276 7.74 229 216.94 7 Dhjetor 2008 17:37
Capsules   132066 piket. tingelloi : 17

1222 3429 132066 100071 27 Shtator 2007 17:06
Clownoids   3346 piket. tingelloi : 3

491 0 3346 1917 21 Gusht 2007 10:07
Pépère on the rocks
  195.95 piket. tingelloi : 66       PERSERITJE        

392 -7.02 195.95 186.32 7 Dhjetor 2008 17:46
Pépère dhe rrimorkjoja e tije
  147.15 piket. tingelloi : 20       PERSERITJE        

332 -165.71 147.15 136.59 29 Gusht 2007 17:14
Rebounds   Pa renditje

161 0 129 27 29 Gusht 2007 17:06

azhornimi i fundit : 19 Korrik 2024 23:34

Mesazhi fundit Mesazhi  fundit
  Profili     Mesazh jp ( 12 Korrik 2006 07:21) : It's because your score on "Save the earth" is much lower than his score. You must improve this one.
  Profili     Mesazh jp ( 12 Korrik 2006 11:45) : I think the pepere fight is ok but I will check better.
I've also a new game in the pipe
  Profili     Mesazh Piotras_ZG ( 29 Tetor 2006 17:30) : Sorry.This is my idea
  Profili     Mesazh xdigox ( 22 Nentor 2007 09:43) : How many seconds it would take to make 9717 in the game "Alphabetul AZ"?
  Profili     Mesazh game54 ( 22 Nentor 2007 13:53) : 0.283sec
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