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Country : Brazil - Brasil
Registration 5 February 2007 22:16
Latest visit 20 February 2007 02:41

Personal statistics
1  2  3  Next  
The parallel parking
  144.31 points. Rank : 5094       REPLAY        

37 22.7 144.31 85.76 7 February 2007 02:30
Diams   0 points. Rank : 1076

18 0 0 0 6 February 2007 18:02
Hand brake Pépère
  Not classified

15 35.65 168.53 117.14 6 February 2007 16:12
Miners4K   Not classified

10 0 4521 1892 7 February 2007 15:52
Air Magic Pépère
  Not classified

9 14 25 18 17 February 2007 15:40
  200   86         43%
Football   269 points. Rank : 37

6 4 269 65 7 February 2007 16:38
The elephant game
  Not classified
5 -85.34 87.33 9.34 7 February 2007 15:25


The elephant game
  Not classified
5 35.98 50.69 43.67 7 February 2007 15:25

Latest update : 8 September 2024 21:38

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